Serija sedemnajstih fotografij s skupnim naslovom Zrcalo je vsekakor o ženski, kar ni naključje. Pojavlja se na večini fotografij, ne pa na vseh. Na nekaterih je v prostoru, v katerem so zrcala ali pa so okna, ki lahko delujejo kot zrcalo. V vsakem primeru so njene zrcalne podobe nenavadne, saj so take, da v realnem svetu niso mogoče.


A series of 17 photos with the common title The Mirror is definitely about woman, and this is no coincidence. She is present on most of the photos, but not on all. Sometimes she appears in places in which there are mirrors or windows that can act as a mirror. In any case, her mirror images are unusual, since they are not possible in the real world.

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