Otvoritev razstave Sočasje, 2. 6. 2017, v Likovnem salonu Celje



Featured in Od Review. Od Review



Featured in The Woven Tale Press Magazine. The Woven Tale Press



moje delo je v zbirki Luciana Benettona - Imago Mundi in knjige zbirke del sodobnih slovenskih umetnikov - Slovenia: Voices of Transition / my work is a part of Luciano Benetton Collection - Imago Mundi and book of Contemporary Artists from Slovenia - Slovenia: Voices of Transition. Imago Mundi


Featured in No Thoughts Magazine. No Thoughts Magazine



Moja fotografija je v katalogu za predstavo Cavalleria Rusticana / Hindemith's Sancta Susanna v pariški operi. / My photographs are in the catalog for the show Cavalleria Rusticana / Hindemith's Sancta Susanna in the Paris Opera. Opera de Paris


serija Neskončnost bo predstavljena na mednarodnem bienalu Arezzo - Umetnost fotografije 2.12.2016 / Series Infinity will be presented at the International Biennial Arezzo - Photographic Art 12/02/2016
International Biennial Arezzo



Knjiga Bili smo KL(j)UB je izšla / Book Bili smo KL(j)UB is out



Featured in The Hand Magazine. The Hand Magazine



Zavod Celeia Celje - Center sodobnih umetnosti UMETNOST JE POMEMBNA, TODA UMETNOST NI DOVOLJ Nika Autor, Jure Cvitan, Artan Hajrullahu, Maja Hodošček, Robert Hutinski, Davor Konjikušić, Bojan Krivokapić & KURS, Bojan Mrđenović, Mark Požlep, Danilo Prnjat, Ivana Smiljanić, Igor Sovilj Kustosinja: Mirjana Dragosavljević Galerija sodobne umetnosti in Likovni salon, 16. 9. - 23. 10. 2016. Vabljeni na odprtje razstave in javno vodstvo v petek, 16. septembra ob 19. uri v Galerijo sodobne umetnosti Celje.



Book Two of a Kind (with some of my photos) by editor Sandrine Kerfante is now available for preorder.. Two of a Kind


intervju v zadnji številki revije Digitalna kamera / an interview in the latest issue of Digital camera


Eyemazing Susan Annual Pictorial Vol.II has been shortlisted for the Athens Photo Festival 2016


V okviru festivala Shakespeare za vedno vas vabimo na otvoritev selekcionirane fotografske razstave Brezčasna Ofelija v Malo galerijo Cankarjevega Doma. Razstava bo na ogled od 13.4. do 22.5. Brezčasna Ofelija


Featured in FuoriAsse – Officina della cultura. FuoriAsse – Officina della cultura


Featured in Cray Magazine. Cray Magazine


Series The Elementary Particles is featured on M-mag Magazine. M-mag Magazine


Sarmad Book Two is out! The book is published in limited edition. Cover and back cover: Robert Hutinski


Vabljeni na odprtje in vodstvo po razstavi Sram te bodi, v četrtek, 26. 11. ob 18. uri v Galerijo sodobne umetnosti Celje.

Po razstavi vas bodo vodili sodelujoči umetniki in kustosinja razstave.

avtorji: Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, Matej Čepin, Robert Hutinski, Staš Kleindeinst, Aino-Marjatta Mäki in Jaakko Karhunen, Ana Nedeljković in Nikola Majdak jr., Luiza Margan, Paula Muhr, Pleurad Xhafa, Adrian Paci, Ana Pečar in Oliver Ressler, Vahida Ramujkić (skupaj z: Aviv Kruglanski, Dejan Došljak), Zgodovinski arhiv Celje, Dalibor Bori Zupančič.

Kustosinja: Maja Hodošček

Lokacije: Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Likovni salon in Špitalska kapela 26. 11. 2015 – 17. 1. 2016



Eyemazing Susan Annual Pictorial Vol.II Despair and love. With Sex, Rituals, Spiritualism and Romanticism we explore our attempts to give meaning to our lives. The selected images present fantasies and imaginings more real than our waking reality. Driven by a hunger to plumb the depths of human emotion, this 304-page volume transports the viewer on a visual odyssey through images of sadness, dark joy and profound melancholy…The painterly darkness of Manhood/Womanhood. Featured artists: Arslan Ahmedov, Alyson Belcher, Marina Black, Karine Burckel, Katia Chausheva, Mathias Christensen, Kir Esadov, Paula Rae Gibson, Robert Hamblin, Aegea Hsieh, Robert Hutinski, Iva Jauss, Valerie kabis, Mi-Hyun Kim, So¬e Amalie Klougart, Beat Kuert, Helen Lyon, Safaa Mazirh, David John Newman, Lena Oganesyan, Betina La Plante, Gerasimos Platanas, Evgeniy Platonov, Yell Saccani, Jean-François Spricigo, Robert Stivers, Jaya Suberg, Frank Vic, Vladimir Zidlicky; Eyemazing Susan Annual Pictorial Vol.II Published by EYEMAZING Editions ISBN 978-90-822754-1-4 23.50 x 17.50 cm PLC, 304pp, 233 Illustrations EYEMAZINGeditions


Ob 70. obletnici konca druge svetovne vojne in zmage nad nacifašizmom, ki ju obeležujemo v letu 2015, vas Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije vljudno vabi na odprtje gostujoče razstave Muzeja novejše zgodovine Celje z naslovom Mesto pod škornjem, ki bo v torek, 10.11.2015, ob 18.00 uri. Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije


Dve moji fotografiji sta v katalogu za predstavo Le château de barbe-bleue / la voix humaine v Pariški operi. / My two photograph are in the catalog for the show Le Château de Barbe-bleue / la voix humaine in the Paris Opera. Opera de Paris


Book MONO Vol. 2 was released by Gomma books; featured artists: Matt Black, Martin Bogren, Dirk Braeckman, Giacomo Brunelli, Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni, Mathias Christensen, Lorenzo Castore, Eamonn Doyle, JH Engström, Ilias Georgiadis, Sohrab Hura, Robert Hutinski, Nicolas Janowski, Gert Jochems, Jens Juul, Ata Kam, Alexia Monduit, Paulo Nozolino, Igor Pisuk, Igor Posner, Leif Sandberg, Magdalena Switek, Hideka Tonomura, Scott Typaldos and Miron Zownir MONO Vol. 2


Featured in Photogrvphy Magazine Photogrvphy Magazine


Article about my work in Alovebigas Magazine Alovebigas Magazine


Vljudno vabljeni na otvoritev razstave

Roberta Hutinskega - Ecce Homo

v petek, 17. julija 2015, ob 19. uri v AXx. On. M


Vabljeni na otvoritev razstave MESTO POD ŠKORNJEM;

V obeležitev 70-letnice konca druge svetovne vojne

24.6.2015 v Muzeju narodne osvoboditve Maribor

-Josip Pelikan: Okupirano Celje (1941-1945)
-Robert Hutinski: Za-bris

To commemorate the 70 th anniversary of the end of WWII

opening of the exhibition at the National Liberation Museum Maribor


-Josip Pelikan: Okupirano Celje (1941-1945)
-Robert Hutinski: Za-bris


Otvoritev razstave Grda račka / Ugly duckling.

20.06.2015 ob 20. uri v Galeriji Račka Celje


Series Atavism is featured in Life Force Magazine


Series Za-bris (Behind the) Effacement is featured in Dodho Magazine


V obeležitev 70-letnice konca druge svetovne vojne in počastitev praznika Mestne občine Celje

otvoritev razstave v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Celje


-Josip Pelikan: Okupirano Celje (1941-1945)
-Robert Hutinski: Za-bris

To commemorate the 70 th anniversary of the end of WWII and celebrate the feast of the Municipality of Celje

opening of the exhibition at the Museum of Recent History Celje


-Josip Pelikan: Okupirano Celje (1941-1945)
-Robert Hutinski: Za-bris


Intervju v Juliet art Magazine


Published in Bleek Magazine


fotografija iz serije Zrcalo je predstavljena na strani Muzeja za sodobno umetnost iz San Francisca

photo from series The Mirror is featured on San Francisco Museum of Modern Art page


Otvoritev razstave VIDNO NEVIDNO.

Afekt in razpoloženje skozi fotografijo., 16.10. ob 19. uri v Galeriji sodobne umetnosti Celje

Goran Bertok, Rajko Bizjak, Brane Božič, Tomaž Črnej, Luka Dakskobler, Jon Derganc, Andreja Džakušič, Luka Gorjup, Severin Hirsch, Robert Hutinski, Ciril Jazbec, Jurij Korenjak, Peter Koštrun, Borut Krajnc, Arven Šakti Kralj Szomi, Jure Kravanja, Borut Peterlin, Boštjan Pucelj, Small but dangers, Tomaž Tomažin, Šimen Zupančič


Otvoritev skupinske razstave rezidenčnih umetnikov galerije L'art
Industriel v Gorici


Published in Thistle Magazine


Razstava Sodobni slovenski portret v galeriji Stolp v Mariboru, 24.9.2014
ob 19.00


Skupinska razstava rezidenčnih umetnikov AQ galerije v galeriji Knulp v
Trstu, 20.9.2014 ob 19.00


Published in Possesion Immediate Magazine


Published in FK Magazine


Članek o razstavi Sodobni slovenski portret v reviji Mladina


Published in Dodho Magazine


Published in the Musee Magazine


Opening of the exhibition "Contemporary Slovenian portrait" in
Galerija Simulaker, Novo Mesto, 20.06.2014, where series Ecce Homo
will be presented.


Published in the YET Magazine


V soboto, 21. 6. 2014, bo v CASA DELL'ARTE Trieste, predstavitev
mojega dela na večerni projekciji fotografij

Saturday, 21.6. 2014 will be in the Casa Dell'Arte Trieste, presentation of my work in the
evening projections photos



Series Home - Children's Story is featured on


Published in the DOC! photo magazine



Presentation at: RINSE - Stories Behind Photography



Published in the Revue Camera



Published in the Daydreaming Magazine



Published in the DIENACHT Magazine



Published in the RETUNE Magazine



Unlimited Grain Gallery represent my work


My photo has been commended in the top 50 images in the Enhanced Category in the Open Competition of the 2014 Sony World Photography Awards.


Published in the SHOOT ME Magazine



Published in the 1000 Words Photography Magazine



Article about Robert Hutinski


Book Atavism is selected by Tim Clark, editor of the magazine in 1000 words photography magazine. It is among the best 10 teams in 2013.


Published in the EMZIN Magazine


You can also buy book Atavism in Anzenberger Gallery


Daydreaming project represent group exhibition in Trieste, Italy: 20.12.2013 - 31.01.2014


Photos can be purchased at the YouArtMe


Vljudno vabljeni na otvoritev galerije AQ, ki bo dne 22/11/2013 ob 19h.

You are kindly invited to the opening of the gallery AQ, which will be held on 22.11.2013 at 19h.


Book Atavism to be presented on PhotobookFest in Paris,



Published in the BELOW Magazine


Series Atavism (family album or seminar on youth) is presented in Loeildelaphotographie


Published in the MUSEE Magazine


Review of Memorial exhibition in a gallery of modern art Lavra, Kiev, Ukraine and Review in the Ukraine Photo Journal


Opening of the exhibition "Contemporary Slovenian portrait" in Lisbon, 11/06/2013 - 12/01/2013 where series Ecce Homo will be presented.


Published in the LUMEN Magazine


Published in the SEEANCE Magazine


You can buy quality posters of my work on POSTERJUNKIES.


Atavism book was released by Akina Books publishing.

Robert Hutinski milks the ethereal substance of memories from the raw material of half-torn images found in his town’s archives, crafting a tale of memory and disappearence.

Akina Books is a publishing house of hand-made photobooks, personal reportages, wordless novels.


- 1st place : PROFESSIONAL : Px3 People's Choice awards Book (Series Only) - Fine Art
- 3rd place: PROFESSIONAL : Px3 People's Choice awards Book (Series Only) Category


Published in the



Published in the


Published in the Fotoritimdergi Magazine


Reviews on


Kontinent Photography Awards 2013 3rd Place in Fine Art - Single Image Category


Photos can also be purchased at the EYEMAZING EDITION


Published in the Tonelit Magazine


Published in the NOOVO Magazine


Gallery L'Art Industriel will present my work at an art fair
Art Bodensee - 13th Exhibition of Contemporary Art
From 12 to 14 July 2013.


Published in the Le journal de la photographie


Interview on PhotoWhoa Blog


Published in the GUP Magazine


Otvoritev razstave Puške in Pisma ob 50 letnici Muzeja Novejše Zgodovine Celje, 15.6.2013.


Opening of the exhibition "Guns and Letters" at the 50th anniversary of the Museum of Recent History Celje, 15/06/2013.



You can find me on All About Photo:


Published in the DRECK Magazine


Robert Hutinski
Works on permanent - Piazzetta N°2, Cormons (Gorizia, Italia)

Every day by appointment
Cormons (Gorizia, Italia)


Published in the Dodho Magazine


Published in the RepublicaX Magazine


Exhibition “Memorial”

Kiev, Ukraine, 25.5. in Art Gallery Lavra

Robert Hutinski (Slovenia, with series Ecce Homo), Pavel Banka (Czech Republic), Anna Block (Russia)

The “Memorial” – a reflection of opportunities memory space in which the most terrible events of the 20th century were. Copyright series of concentration camps during the Second World War ties together the theme of universal human tragedy, and thinking about give birth to three interpretations of the same phenomenon.



Published in the Adore Noir


Published in the Blur Magazine


Gallery L'Art Industriel will present my work at an art fair in Milano, 7 - 10 March 2013


Publication in DD Magazine


Third prize at the competition Institute of Creative Production


Gallery L'Art Industriel will present my work at an art fair in Brussels, 21 - 24 February 2013


You can buy photos and arrange exhibitions over this link:



Publication in the magazine Wink Magazine:



Work presentation and an interview in the magazineRenegade Visions:



Published in the magazine Eyemazing, issue Fall / 2012


My work will be part of group exhibition:

The Art of Photography Show 2012
An international exhibition of photographic art
at the elegant San Diego Art Institute

Exhibition: September 29 – November 11, 2012


Publishing in Area-zinc magazine, issue No. 5 (magazine for the contemporary photography)


Exhibition ECCE HOMO

Galeries Fotosfera, 30.5.2012 - 30.6.2012

opening: 30.5.2012 at 20.00 in live:


Group exhibition in THE KIERNAN GALERY, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA : iSPY Camera phone photography March 6 - April 7 2012


Publishing in FSTOP MAGAZINE / issue: Portrait


Nova knjiga IZGUBLJENO S PREVODOM je na voljo tudi za iPad in iPhone

New book LOST WITH TRANSLATION is available also for iPad and iPhone

Naročila / Order:


Nova knjiga SEKVENCE je na voljo tudi za iPad in iPhone / New book SEQUENCES is available also for iPad and iPhone

Naročila / Order:


PERFECTION. utopia of women

Martinho DIAS (Portugal), Panait BOGDAN (Romania); Robert DOESBURG(Netherlands), REL aka Ariel ZACHOR (Netherlands), Josef FASTUS (Germany), Alejandro Hugo Dorda Mevs AXELVOID (United States of America), Jurgita GERLIKAITE (Lithuania), Katharina SCHIFFL (Austria), Becky BOSTON (United Kingdom), Anna MICHAILIDOU (Greece), Robert HUTINSKI (Slovenia), Marek JAROTTA (Slovakia), Roman STRIGA (Belarus), Bernadette Rowe MACCORMICK (Ireland), Hester JONES (United Kingdom), Manolis ANASTASAKOS (Greece), Djan SILVEBERG (Luxembourg), Graham BURQUEST (United Kingdom), Martin DINGLI (Unitetd States of America), Clarice GONÇALVES (Brazil), Lara ZANKOUL (Lebanon)

Curators: König Claudia, Stefanie Furch

Venue: MOYA, Renngasse 4, 1010 Wien, Austria & MOYAWORLD.COM (
opening: 3rd May 2011, 19:00
Duration: 4th – 10th May 2011

The exhibition „PERFECTION. utopia of women“, presented in the MOYA in Vienna, as well as on - the global social network for contemporary art - shows artworks f 21 international artists. „PERFECTION. utopia of women“ is intended to present several artworks by selected contemporary artists, who pick up women-specific topics and in particular issues currently relevant to the idealized modern woman. In this context perfection means the social expectations women are faced with every day. So women are caught between their newly won individual freedom and the ideal image imposed by the society. As topic becomes more and more important, we have to ask what characterizes such an ideal modern woman and why professional success, independence, confidence, beauty and sexual emancipation correlate with the ideal of a loving and affectionate companion or mother. Perfection in all areas of life - norm or utopia? These requirements, these interactions of former and actual values are in reality nearly impossible to implement. The pressure to receive this illusion upright leads to inevitable internal conflicts. The aim of the exhibition is to highlight this tension by connecting different attributes of the ideal woman in order to achieve a direct confrontation and a self-contained activity of the viewer.


ESCAPISM... or how to lose the plot

Rebecca Cairns (CAN), Bloody Countess (FRA), Laura Guoke (LTU), Elizabeth Higson (NOR), Robert Hutinski (SLO), Hester Jones (GB), Bartosz Kolata (POL/IRL), Laure Laure Lafarge (FRA), Rudolf Schmied (AUT), Martin Stranka (CZ), Shehara W. (CAN).

Curators: Esther Mlenek, Kolja Kramer
Venue: MOYA, Renngasse 4, 1010 Wien, Österreich & MOYAWORLD.COM (
Duration: March 23rd – April 7th 2011

The exhibition „ESCAPISM … or how to lose the plot“, presented in the MOYA in Vienna, as well as on - the global social network for contemporary art - shows the artwork of eleven international artists. Significant for moyaworld-exhibitions is the transformation of various artistic positions from the virtual frame into reality. With the adaption of extern and intern mailing, a friendsystem, chat and a rating system, the sources and possibilties of the global network stay retrained within the exhibit. Furthermore, the vistors have the possibility to directly get in contact with the artists: for a vivid and more personal communication between exhibitors and vistors.

“Escapism” is a term employed by the psychology profession to denote an act of the intentional or unintentional removal of one’s self image from its current reality. This can be a physical or spiritually escape, the brain drain into a fantabulous world or mental state. As various the definitions of reality and imaginary world can be, as diverse are the approaches of the exhibitors. The artworks reveal several possibilities of how to remove ourselves from our immediate and known surroundings. According to the subjective feeling that makes an experience special and unique the qualities of escapism will get explored. Other works show the process of escaping itself. By visualising social restrains and pressure new evident questions arise: How can we exchange our reality for a different, hopefully pleasing, one? Where to escape? The exhibit “ESCAPISM … or how to lose the plot“ shows different ways of how to escape into the past, the future or even into an inner emigration by unfolding the complexity of this topic


Vljudno vabljeni na otvoritev razstave: Social tabu - Druga plat življenja

Petek, 22. oktobra 2010, ob 19. uri, Špitalska kapela, Celje (pri cerkvi sv. Danijela)

Film: Milan Djakovič in Vid Slana
Vokal: Matic Nareks in Patricija Jošt
Kitara: Matic Mačkovšek
Gib: Sara Stropnik
Risbe: Dolores Ponoš
Fotografija: Robert Hutinski
Instalacija: Helena M. Kolka


Vljudno vabljeni na otvoritev fotografske razstave "Nova fotografija – pripovedi"

v Savinov likovni salon Žalec, 1.7.2010 ob 19.00

Vljudno vas vabimo na odprtje skupinske razstave
ki bo v četrtek, 1. julija 2010, ob 19. uri
v Savinovem likovnem salonu v Žalcu.
Na razstavi se nam bodo s fotografijami predstavili
naslednji avtorji:
Arne Hodalič,
Robert Hutinski,
Rada Kikelj,
Borut Krajnc in
Viljam Lavrenčič.
Razstava bo odprta do 31. avgusta 2010,
vsak dan razen nedelje od 9. do 18. ure,
ob sobotah od 9. do 13. ure.


Fotografska razstava na prostem »Robert Hutinski in Jure Kravanja - Celje – portreti in vedute«

Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje in Rotary klub Celje Barbara Celjska vas v sredo, 14. aprila 2010, ob 12. uri vabita na Trg Celjskih knezov (pred Narodni dom) na odprtje fotografske razstave avtorjev Roberta Hutinskega in Jureta Kravanje.

Slavnostna govornica bo poslanka Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije mag. Andreja Rihter.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Spoštovani obiskovalci razstave, krajani, meščani

Razstavljanje na prostem – v mestu, izza galerijskih in muzejskih zidov, je popularna in prijazna oblika komunikacije dediščine in umetnosti z obiskovalci, sprehajalci, meščani, krajani, turisti. Razstava je na ta način dostopna vedno in vsakomur, brez omejitev, ki jih postavljajo zidovi in odpiralni časi, podnevi in ponoči, ob vsakem vremenu. Na ta način sodobni urbani prostori in krajina dobiva nove vsebine in z njimi se bogati tudi mesto samo.
Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje je k projektu pristopil na podlagi usmeritve, da širimo razstavni prostor tudi na prosto, izven zidov naše stavbe na Prešernovi ulici, s čimer se želimo še približati obiskovalcem in jim ponuditi tudi drugače oblikovano razstavno formo. Vsebine, ki jo podajajo fotografije avtorjev Jureta Kravanje in Roberta Hutinskega so tematsko povezane s temami naših raziskav, ki vključujejo mesto Celje in različna dogajanja v njem. Na ta način muzej vzpodbuja zavest o mestu in radovednost o njem, krepi občutek prispevanja h kulturi in k življenju mesta in je enakovreden instrument komuniciranja v urbani krajini.
Muzej tako odpira nov razstavni prostor – galerijo na prostem, upam, da tudi z vašo pomočjo

direktorica Muzeja novejše zgodovine Celje

Tanja Roženbergar Šega



Razstava Celjski portreti / Exhibition Celje portraits

- 09.09. 2009 ob 19.00 samostojna razstava Celjski portreti v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Celje / 09.09.2009 at 19.00 exhibition Celje portraits in Museum of recent history Celje