Artist Statement:

Fotografirano je tisto kar mislim, da vidim.

- Opazovati – Dokumentirati – Sporočati – Opozarjati - Opredeliti se

Politično danes zaseda večino praks posameznikovega vsakdana, ki jih posameznik opravlja in proizvaja ter se le redkokdaj sprašuje po njihovem izvoru. Kompleksna celota tem, ki se nanašajo na pojem političnega, zadevajo posameznika od rojstva pa do smrti, ne da bi se ta, (v večini primerov) tega sploh zavedal. Vse te prakse in ideje, ki so v neprestanem sporu, se prevajajo in asimilirajo v posameznikov vsakdan preko različnih področij in eno izmed teh je tudi fotografija; in prav moč fotografije je, da je v praksi politično nekorektna, kajti le tako je lahko moralno in etično neoporečna ter dejavnik razmisleka in osveščanja.

Rojen sem 1969 v Celju, kjer tudi živim. Predstavil sem nekaj samostojnih in več skupinskih razstav tako doma kot v svetu.

Za svoje fotografije sem prejel več domačih in mednarodnih priznanj in nagrad. Nekaj serij je objavljenih tudi v nekaterih pomembnejših knjigah in revijah za sodobno fotografijo.



Artist's statement:

What is in the photos is what I think I see.

– To observe – To document – To communicate – To warn – To take a stand

Today, the political permeates most practices in the everyday of an individual who both executes and produces them and only rarely (in most cases) questions and examines their origin. The complex array of topics pertaining to the notion of the political affect the individual from cradle to tomb without (in most cases) the individual's awareness thereof. All these practices and ideas which are in constant conflict are translated and assimilated via various fields into the individual's everyday. One such field is photography whose very power lies in being politically incorrect in practice. Only thus can it be morally and ethically pure – a factor of reflection and promotion of awareness.

I was born in 1969, Celje; this is where I live. I have held some solo and several group exhibitions at home and abroad.

I have received several Slovenian and international awards and prizes for my photos. Some series are published well in some of the most important books and magazines for contemporary photography.



Publications in magazine:

No Thoughts Magazine, FuoriAsse – Officina della cultura, M-Mag Magazine, Cray Magazine, Photogrvphy Magazine, Life Force Magazine, Bleek Magazine, Thistle Magazine, Possesion Immediate Magazine, FK Magazine, Dodho Magazine, Musee Magazine, YET Magazine, DOC! photo magazine, Revue Camera, Daydreaming Magazine, DIENACHT Magazine, RETUNE Magazine, SHOOT ME Magazine, 1000 Words Photography Magazine, EMZIN Magazine, BELOW Magazine, MUSEE Magazine, LUMEN Magazine, SEEANCE Magazine, C-41 Magazine, PLATEFORM Magazine, Fotoritimdergi Magazine, Tonelit Magazine, NOOVO Magazine, Le journal de la photographie, GUP Magazine, The World of Photographers, DRECK Magazine, Dodho Magazine, RepublicaX Magazine, R\A\W F\O\R\M\S, SAM - Slovak Art Magazine, Blur Magazine, Adore Noir, DD Magazine, Eyemazing, Wink Magazine, Fotoblur Magazine, F-Stop Magazine, Area-Zinc Magazine, Renegade Visions Magazine


Serija Strukture božanskih prehodov je del stalne zbirke Centra za sodobno umetnost Celje.

Serija Simulacija ali 50 besed za ljubezen je del stalne zbirke Erotične galerije Račka.

Serija Dom - Otroška zgodba je del stalne zbirke Muzeja novejše zgodovine Celje.

Serija Celjski portreti je del stalne zbirke Muzeja novejše zgodovine Celje.

Serija Ecce Homo je del stalne zbirke National Historical and Architectural Museum Kiev Fortress, Ukraine.

Serija Atavizem (družinski album ali esej o mladosti) je del stalne zbirke Centra za sodobno umetnost Celje.

Serija Za-bris je del stalne zbirke Muzeja novejše zgodovine Celje.

Series The Structure of the divine Corridor is part of the permanent collection of the Centre for Contemporary Arts Celje.

Series Simulation or 50 Words for Love is part of the permanent collection of the Erotic gallery Racka.

Series Home - Children’s Story is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Recent History Celje.

Series Portraits of Celje is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Recent History Celje.

Series Ecce Homo is part of the permanent collection of the National Historical and Architectural Museum Kiev Fortress, Ukraine.

Series Atavism (Family album or Seminar on Youth) is part of the permanent collection of the Centre for Contemporary Arts Celje.

Series Za-bris - (behind the)Effacement is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Recent History Celje.



Vse fotografije so avtorsko zaščitene in so last avtorja. Kopiranje, objavljanje in nelegalna distribucija fotografij brez avtorjevega dovoljenja je prepovedana.

All photography on this site are copyrighted. Downloading, copying, publishing or distributing of text or photographs without prior consent of the author is forbidden.
